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underneath it all lies your OS an OS or operating system is the program that manages all other application programs in a computer applications make requests to the OS through api's and users can interact with the OS through a command-line or graphical user interface often with a keyboard and mouse or by touch you're probably familiar with OS is like Mac OS iOS Windows and Linux operating systems are developed with different features to meet specific needs of the device it runs on for instance a desktop OS like Windows works great on a large monitor but would be cramped on a smart phone conversely Android for smartphones would look awkward in sparse blown-up on a large display outside of personal devices oases are everywhere embedded operating systems are built into larger systems like cars traffic lights digital TVs ATMs airplane controls digital cameras GPS navigation systems and even elevators network operating system support devices connected to a local area network and real time operating systems guarantee a certain capability within a time constraint like ensuring a certain object is available for a robot on an assembly line what mix of operating systems do you like to use in your personal life what about at work let us know in the comments below and be sure to hit the like button you


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